T3 40mcg

: $89.99

The T3 steroid hormones regulate many body systems, including metabolism. Clen and T3 is popular for it’s weight loss effect.

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Buy T3 40mcg 60 tablets | Fat Loss

3 vs T4

  • What is T3, and what is the difference between T3 and T4?
  • T3 Hormone is made from the T4 (thyroxine) hormone which is secreted by the thyroid under influence of the pituitary hormone TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone).
  • T4 is mostly active through its conversion to Triiodothyronine (T3) and is 4-5 times stronger than thyroxine (T4).
  • Cytomel T3 medication (Triiodothyronine Sodium) is used to treat low T3 symptoms (hypothyroidism).

T3 Weight Loss

  • Cytomel T3 enhances basal metabolic rates enhancing protein synthesis increasing rates of fatty acid oxidation (fat loss) and enhances effects of anabolics.
  • Researchers have found that higher levels of free T3 predict better weight loss results among overweight adults.
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